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The Sparkasse Bolzano has been a joint-stock company since 1992. In that same year the Sparkasse Foundation was established, which is today the majority shareholder with 62.7% of the shares. 30.4 per cent of the Sparkasse is distributed among more than 22,000 shareholders predominantly resident in South Tyrol. Their commitment gave rise to the associations Small Savings Bank Shareholders Voting Syndicate and Seven Bees.
At the Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholders vote on the distribution of a dividend.
Dividends per share approved and distributed
Bank net profit
27.0 mln. €
29.0 mln. €
71.3 mln. €
74.7 mln. €
55.0 mln. €
Total Gross dividend amount
In 2020 the Bank had initially deliberated the distribution of a dividend of 18.0 eurocents but the regulatory authorities ordered the suspension of dividend payments for the whole of 2020
8.4 mio. € approved 8/4/2021 for the maximum amount permitted at that time = 15% cumulated net profit (27+29 mln. €) for the financial years 2019 e 2020
20.0 mln. € approved 22/4/2022
21.0 mln. € approved 5/4/2023
21.0 mln. € approved 4/4/2024
Extraordinary dividend
10.0 mln. € approved 22/11/2021 charged to retained earnings available for distribution
~5.0 mln. € approved 16/11/2023 charged to retained earnings available for distribution
Payout ratio
33% (average payout 2019 & 2020)
Gross dividend per share
13.9 eurocents (ordinary dividend) 16.6 eurocents (extraordinary dividend)
33.3 eurocents
35.0 eurocents (ordinary dividend) 8.3 eurocents (extraordinary dividend)
35.1 eurocents (ordinary dividend)
Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A. decided to apply for the admission of its own financial instruments to the Hi-MTF market in light of Consob Communication No. 92492 of 18/10/2016 “Recommendation on the distribution of financial instruments through a multilateral trading venue” and following the changes introduced by Directive 2014/65/EU of 15 May 2014 (MiFID II) and EU Regulation No. 600/2014 (MiFIR).
The legislator’s ultimate goal is to ensure greater transparency and investor protection.
The rules for trading in shares, option rights and bonds issued by Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A. are contained in the document “Information document on trading in shares, option rights and bonds issued by Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A.”.
The cases in which a Fund may be used for the purchase of own shares/subordinated bonds and the criteria to be met have been set out in the document “Criteria for Activating the Fund for the Purchase of Own Shares and Subordinated Bonds”.
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