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Securitization Fanes S.r.l. – 2018 Series

Since 2009, Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano has carried out securitization transactions on a regular basis, the securities of which bear the name „Fanes“.

In April 2018 Fanes Srl securitized a portfolio of residential mortgages which were placed by Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano S.p.A. for a total amount of EUR 507.215 million.

The transaction comprises three tranches, two of which are senior tranches and one junior tranche.

The securities were issued on the 18th of June 2018.

Class Description Amount
A1 Senior floating rate 355,90 3,98 Euribor 3M + 0,80%
A2 Senior fixed rate 90,00 10,03 0,90%
J Junior 61,315